DHT: How does it affect hair loss

dht blocker for hair loss

Hair loss can be caused by reduced immunity which can adversely affect the health of the hair follicle, or in some cases can result from shock, such as that from an operation, or giving birth. Such dramatic events can cause Telogen effluvium where dramatic and sudden hair loss occurs.

Causes of hair loss can include inflammatory skin conditions such as seborrheic eczema and psoriasis. Ringworm infection can also cause hair loss and scarring. Moreover, stress can have a huge impact on how thick and healthy your hair is. Whilst many of these conditions can be treated, if urgent attention is not given to the condition, there can be permanent hair loss and thinning. So it is important to seek medical assessment if you suspect an inflammatory skin condition. By minimising such conditions and treating them effectively, hair loss can often be treated successfully with treatments and topical steroid applications to reduce inflammation. However, one of the most common causes of hair loss is, as a result of, naturally occurring hormones which are responsible for male and female pattern baldness.

Such hair loss is caused by DHT which is short for Dyhydrotestosterone and is a hormone created from testosterone. It is more commonly associated with male pattern baldness as men naturally have more testosterone. However, it can also cause baldness in females. The issue arises because some people are more susceptible to DHT. DHT effectively prevents nutrient absorption by the follicle and causes the hair follicle to shrink and die, eventually causing the hair to fall out. DHT also has an impact on the development of male genitalia and is present in the skin and other tissues and has also been implicated in acne problems. However, there are successful ways to block DHT using products which contain DHT blockers. There are many products on the market which contain finasteride which is a chemically derived DHT blocker.

It works by blocking DHT and enabling hair follicles to get nutrients from the blood supply remaining healthy and thicker for longer rather than entering the Telogen phase prematurely. This means that hair loss is minimised and hair is thicker and healthier.

Unfortunately, finasteride and products which contain it have dangerous and undesirable side effects. These include sweating, dizziness, libido problems, enlargement of the prostate, skin rashes and weakness. No one would wish to have to decide between hair loss prevention and using a product which causes such side effects, therefore many people stop using finasteride based products.

However, there is another way of blocking DHT naturally by using a natural DHT blocker to prevent its hair loss effects. KeraHealth have produced a natural diet supplement which works naturally using a natural DHT blocker called Beta Sitosterol. This product blocks DHT naturally and is a plant based derivative contained in plant. PhytoPins.

PhytoPins is the key ingredient which blocks DHT naturally minus many of the side effects of finasteride. KeraHealth’s supplement contains biotin, which nourishes the hair from the inside out and helps the hair to become healthier, thicker and shinier. KeraHealth’s dietary supplements also contain a range of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B complex as well as copper and zinc which help to improve the hair’s condition and also the body’s general immune system.

Taking KeraHealth supplements is going to improve your overall health due to the beneficial vitamins and minerals which are contained in this natural dietary supplement.

When you take KeraHealth’s dietary supplement, you will find healthier skin and nails as well as your hair growth leaving you feeling more confident than ever.



Formulated to help fill gaps in women's diets.*

Fay Afghahi

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Editor to Entrepreneur and Founder of KeraHealth.